Monday, February 25, 2008

Ode to the Religion Department

We love thee, O department of religion,
With your many diverse course offerings.
It started with Byron's New Testament,
the beginnings of a long lasting relationship.
We sat across the room and
learned about Duke Divinity School,
studied in British accents around pools of lava,
discussing apocalyptic eschatology
(but we still can't spell it)
This first class together was the start of an era,
and next to come was Religions of the World.
That one was OK.
Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism,
and assorted East Asian Religions,
we discussed them all.
The Problem of Evil was never solved,
but we learned about the pits of Dante's hell
through the Christian Faith.
Dr. Anderson guided us every day...
for an entire semester.
Nietzsche(after 5 min of searching old papers to figure out how to spell this, I finally tell Weath to look on the internet, and she adamantly tells me she is not on the internet, while typing this online blog...), Dostoyevsky, John Hick, and PJP II,
all names we came to know and love.
Many papers later we found ourselves on Lindsey's futon,
typing our final paper with our reading sprawled around us
(please see profile picture).
The trend continued with Buddhism and Dr. Jones,
she put our thinking caps on us
and questioned the very reality of our existence.
(I still don't think I'm here).
This semester was the first time
we didn't have a class together.
Lindsey was in two classes,
Weatherly was in none.
Depression quickly ensued,
so we compromised and created another one.
We still love our faculty,
and all the professors we've had.
(which is, in fact, all of them!)
So thanks for being awesome
but next time don't make the schedule so bad.

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